About brupower

brupower is a young energy cooperative active in Brussels, bringing together citizens to invest in renewable energies: all members are co-owners of the production facilities. Our aim? Regaining control of our energy supplies and making clean energy accessible to all. 

brupower is convinced that the energy transition must be carried out in a fair, social and democratic way, with all the people of Brussels. 

​Our values

brupower works according to the international principles of cooperatives which have proven to be beneficial to society for over 100 years.

These principles, listed below, are defined by the International Cooperative Alliance and are abbreviated as the ICA principles:

  • Voluntary and open membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Member Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independance
  • Education, Training and Information
  • Cooperation among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community

 Find out more 

Our mission

brupower develops three main activities:


We are developing renewable energy projects, namely photovoltaic installations and in the future offshore windturbines.

Awareness raising and empowerment

We support initiatives for citizens to be actors of the energy transition in Brussels.


We aim to create a citizen and renewable electricity supplier in Brussels. In the meantime, we are developing energy sharing intiatives.

Get involved 

Our team 
behind the projects

Lionel Delchambre

Working Group Movement

Caroline Marquet

General Coordinator

Stanislas Herbemont

Board member

Working Group Fin&Legal

Jérémie Dong

PV project developer

Sébastien Mouthuy
Board member

Digital Working Grouo

Care Working Group

Chloé Verlinden 

Board member

Communication Working Group

Jan Spriet

Board member

Projects Working Group

Our history in a nutshell


Launch of the first photovoltaic projects in Brussels and start of regional energy sharing !

Official opening of the capital in November 2022 and reaching our target of 400 000 euro of raised citizen capital in December 2023!


Creation of the cooperative in May 2022

Participation in the consortium of citizen cooperatives Seacoop to invest together in offshore wind!


Coopcity support for the launch of the cooperative.

First public event in December 2021.


Gathering of a small group of citizens around a renewable energy cooperative project in Brussels.

They support us

brupower is part of a large network of social economy actors and is supported by:

Find your answer in our FAQ's

 A cooperative is a form of organisation distinguished mainly by its democratic character.

All members (cooperators) are simultaneously customers and shareholders of the cooperative, allowing them to voice their opinions and ensure that the organisation's strategic choices align with their personal convictions.

At brupower, all members (the cooperators) have the same decision making power ('1 member = 1 vote'), regardless of the number of shares they individually contribute to the capital.

There are several reasons to become a cooperator at brupower:

  • Your investment can make a difference in the local energy transition and contributes to concrete local renewable energy projects (reducing CO2 emissions), with clear social added value.
  • In the future, you can enjoy the benefits of locally produced and democratic renewable energy in your home.
  • As a member, you can take part in the organisation's big decisions.
  • You reduce Brussels' energy dependence on big multinational companies.
  • You contribute to the growth of local jobs, as citizen cooperatives have up to three times more economic impacts than traditional energy companies.


brupower members are invited every year to take part in general assemblies in which the strategic decisions are taken that the Board and the permanent team then have to implement. Every member is allowed but not obliged to take part in the general assembly. It is important for brupower to be a true citizen cooperative (e.g. compared to financial cooperatives), which is why the General Assembly has a strong responsibility for the activities of the cooperative, and therefore its members.

In addition, it is important that the power is shared equitably among the cooperators. Thus, each legal or natural person has only one vote during the vote at the general meeting, regardless of the number of shares it owns.

brupower limits the number of shares that a single shareholder can buyto 5% of the total equity with a maximum of 200 000 euros.

The 5% cap is calculated based on the targeted objective of the ongoing fundraising round. More specifically, the fundraising target for 2024 is 400 000 euros (on top of the 400 000 euros of 2023), this means that the maximum number of shares that one cooperator can buy for 2024 will be 800 shares = 40 000 euros.

Subsequently, when the cooperative capital reaches 4 million euros or more, the maximum number of shares held by a partner will then be 4,000 shares.

brupower recommends a minimum of 10 shares per individual (investment of 500 euros).

For organisations or companies, brupower recommends a minimum of 40 shares (investment of 2000 euros).

An investment of less than 500 euros (min. 50) is possible for members who cannot afford to pay more. During the current campaing (>2024) brupower estimates to raise 400 000 euros and install 375 kWp PV panels. With the profits generated by the installed production assets, the cooperative estimates that it can manage around 800 cooperators. This represents an average of 500 euros per cooperator, or 10 shares. Nevertheless, it is important that brupower remains widely accessible and inclusive for Brussels citizens. This is why the minimum share is set at 50 euros, not 500 euros.

In that context, brupower expects its members to take shares according to their means and in solidarity with the other members (possibly investing more when they can afford it).

Yes, one can buy multiple shares, and at multiple times.

However, there is a maximum limit on the number of shares that a single shareholder can buy (see previous question). Moreover, additional shares do not convey additional voting rights as decision-making within brupower is according to a "one person, one vote" principle.

Members can can also buy shares from one another with the approval of the Board.​​

brupower aims to use citizen capital to invest in low-risk renewable energy projects. This starts with PV installation, an activity for which the risks and business plans are well known.

These projects will generate profits, through energy sharing and green certificates valorisation. These benefits will be used for local employment and the distribution of dividends. The employment in brupower is therefore funded by the profits generated by the installation mainly, ensuring a low-risk use of citizen capital. These jobs support the development and sustainability of cooperative activities (development and coordination of projects, centered on renewable energies and energy efficiency, but also information and awareness workshops, debates, info-events or other activities that empower citizens, in the field of energy).

brupower aims to keep the benefits (financial, but also in terms of produced energy and competences) local, so where possible, brupower wants to share the produced energy with citizens in the vicinity of our projects (see also following questions). Initially, the projects in the Brussels Capital Region are focused on solar (photovoltaic) panels, but in time, brupower would like to explore more options for renewable energy.​

I want to install solar panels on my roof, what can brupower do for me?

brupower aims to develop renewable energy production projects (such as photovoltaic solar panels), with the people of Brussels. brupower members will, therefore, all be co-owners of brupower facilities. We primarily target installations on shared buildings (co-pro, offices, etc.) and public buildings (schools, administrations, etc.).

If you are looking to finance your installation, we invite you to contact us with more details. You will find more info on our "Suggest a roof" page.

If you are looking to finance your installation on your own, we suggest you look at the list of certified installers for Brussels, and ask for some invoices. As brupower does not have its own installation team, unfortunately, we cannot provide this service.

After having discussed it with several citizens, the lack of capital can be an obstacle to installing PV panels. To address that challenge, Brussels region has set up a very advantageous green loan for the installation of PV panels by individuals, at the following link:https://environnement.brussels/thematiques/batiment-et-energie/primeset-incitants/le-credit-ecoreno. There is also a Homegrade service specifically dedicated to this. 


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