Invest for impact

brupower brings together citizens to invest in local renewable energies (solar and wind).

Our aim? Regaining control of our energy supplies and making clean energy accessible to all. 

Join more than 300 other citizens and let's make an impact together!

Become a 

Everyone can join brupower as a co-operator and contribute to the transformation of our energy sector!

Your investment not only supports Brussels' renewable energy projects but also offers concrete benefits: access to local, clean and cheaper energy thanks to energy sharing.

​​I become a co-operator

My company becomes co-operator

50 €

One share 

The equivalent of a piece of solar panel !

500 €

Our recommendation for new members

The equivalent of 1 small solar panel

+2000 €

Our recommendation for organisations

The equivalent of >2 big solar panels

Which steps are needed?

Read official documents

I consult the official documents: the Information Note, the Statutes, the Internal Regulations (IR) and the Charter.

Complete the form

I complete the form with my administrative data and the number of shares I want.

Pay the shares

I receive and email with confirmation of my data and payment information. I pay the amount equivalent to the number of shares I want to acquire.

Receipt of certificates

I receive the certificates of attestation indicating that I am a brupower cooperator

Official documents

Discover our projects

Installing solarpanels for Doucheflux

 in use

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Project ACP Leo 2

 in use 

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Ixelles - Contrat de Quartier Durable Petite Suisse (CQDPS)

 in development

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Good to know

Brupower recommends all cooperators to acquire at least 10 shares, the equivalent of one small solar panel! 

  • Co-operators are co-owners of all brupower facilities
  • A share costs 50 euros and its book value will not change
  • There are no entry or exit fees
  • Each shareholder has one vote at the General Assembly
  • The maximum profit paid will be 6%
  • The number of shares is limited to 800 per person for 2024
  • Shares cannot be redeemed or exchanged for a period of 6 years

​​I become a co-operator​​​​ (individual)

My company becomes co-operator

Still some questions?

Find your answer:

brupower limits the number of shares that a single shareholder can buyto 5% of the total equity with a maximum of 200 000 euros.

The 5% cap is calculated based on the targeted objective of the ongoing fundraising round. More specifically, the fundraising target for 2024 is 400 000 euros (on top of the 400 000 euros of 2023), this means that the maximum number of shares that one cooperator can buy for 2024 will be 800 shares = 40 000 euros.

Subsequently, when the cooperative capital reaches 4 million euros or more, the maximum number of shares held by a partner will then be 4,000 shares.

brupower recommends a minimum of 10 shares per individual (investment of 500 euros).

For organisations or companies, brupower recommends a minimum of 40 shares (investment of 2000 euros).

An investment of less than 500 euros (min. 50) is possible for members who cannot afford to pay more. During the current campaing (>2024) brupower estimates to raise 400 000 euros and install 375 kWp PV panels. With the profits generated by the installed production assets, the cooperative estimates that it can manage around 800 cooperators. This represents an average of 500 euros per cooperator, or 10 shares. Nevertheless, it is important that brupower remains widely accessible and inclusive for Brussels citizens. This is why the minimum share is set at 50 euros, not 500 euros.

In that context, brupower expects its members to take shares according to their means and in solidarity with the other members (possibly investing more when they can afford it).

Yes, one can buy multiple shares, and at multiple times.

However, there is a maximum limit on the number of shares that a single shareholder can buy (see previous question). Moreover, additional shares do not convey additional voting rights as decision-making within brupower is according to a "one person, one vote" principle.

Members can can also buy shares from one another with the approval of the Board.​​

In case there is a net profit at the end of the year, an allocation will be proposed by the Board (Organe d’Administration). This allocation will be based on the following priorities :

  • legal reserve, which is mandatory by law;
  • the realisation of the purpose and objectives of the cooperative asdescribed in Article 5 of the statutes;
  • a dividend to shareholders based on the amount of capital they have invested according to the legal dispositions described in the Royal Decree of the 08th of January 1962.

This proposal is then voted on by the General Assembly. If the proposal is approved, the dividend is calculated based on the accounts of the previous year. The dividend is then paid out to shareholders on the account referenced on their membership registration.

The dividend payout is submitted to the respect of the double test (liquidity and solvability). The execution of the General Assembly’s decision will be operated by the Board, after checking that this payout will not endanger the capacity of the cooperative to face its debts.

The amount of dividend that can be paid to members is capped at 6%, following brupower's recognition by the Cooperative National Council (CNC).

Dividends are calculated per share. Each share triggers a dividend payment to its holder, when the shareholder has fulfilled all their obligations to the cooperative before the close of the previous financial year.

A member will thus receive a higher amount of dividends if (s)he holds more shares. The maximum amount of dividends that can be received per year is capped at 6% of the invested amount in accordance with brupower's recognition by the cooperative national council.

The Administrative Board is responsible for the daily operations of the cooperative. Therefore, it is its responsibility to ensure the economic viability of brupower. The Board will then suggest the dividend level based on the rules listed in the previous question. This percentage will then be submitted transparently to the General Assembly, which will accept or not the suggestion made by the administrative board. However, it is important to remember that brupower is a social enterprise, and the dividend percentage will not exceed 6% as long as the rules are established.

In the event of a shareholder's death, bankruptcy, apparent insolvency or declaration of incapacity, his heirs, creditors or legal representatives shall receive the value of his share certificates following the above provisions.

Shareholders are entitled to refund their invested capital based on theamount fully liberated by the shareholder. This amount cannot be superior to the share of the total value of the cooperative's assets based on the previously approved annual accounts.

In the case of the death of a member, the transfer procedure is described in Article 10 of the statutes. The designated heir(s) shall send via email, or signed letter, a request including the full name, profession and address of the deceased. This communication should include the amount of shares concerned and the allocation of the share. The price shall be indicated if the shares are sold to another member.

brupower's shares are held by name and thus non-transferable. To prevent speculation and ensure the financial stability of the cooperative, shares can only be sold, or purchased back by the cooperative, and only six years after their subscription.

If a member wishes to sell her/his share, she/he will first need to inform the Board (Organe d'Administration) of brupower. The Board will decide to accept or reject this sale based on the financing stability of the cooperative. The sale will be only validated after validation by the General Assembly of the annual accounts of the year during which the sale was declared.

Right of preemption: Before validating the sale of the share to the cooperative, the Board of Directors (Organe d’Administration) will offer the opportunity to all the other members of the cooperative to buy the shares for sale. The member wishing to do so will have to purchase the entirety of the shares – unless agreed otherwise with the selling member.

In cases where brupower pays dividends it will directly collect the taxes due on this dividend. In cases where the shareholder would be exempt from paying them, they can be reimbursed via their tax returns.​

No, unfortunately it's not possible yet.


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