Communication kit
Would you like to tell your friends and family about brupower?
Give our fundraising campaign a boost?
Use the resources available here and adapt them to send to your friends, family, loved ones, ...
Thanks for helping us spread the word!
In this kit you will find
A PowerPoint presentation
A WhatsApp template text
An e-mail template + signature
Flyer / poster
Slides to use for your Tupperwatt evenings!
(The Tupperwatt evening is an evening where you explain the principles of brupower to your friends and family in a small group!)
You want to organize a party and don't know how?
Contact us:
Brupower in het kort (NL)
Hello, some time ago I invested in a new renewable energy cooperative in Brussels called brupower. What I like about it is that it's 100% citizen-owned and 100% Brussels-based! I particularly appreciate the transparency and direct impact of their approach, far removed from the opacity of large corporations or fossil fuel investments.
Brupower is in the middle of raising funds now, so if you have any savings, I invite you to put them to work for this cooperative and become a co-owner of a solar installation, like me! Don't hesitate to call me to talk about it. brupower has already answered most of the questions you might have on its website .
Ps: you have an available roof? Then brupower can help you too! They will look at your roof and finance solar panels on it. You get cheaper energy and we save CO2 emissions together!
Have you heard of brupower? Brussels' citizen-led renewable energy cooperative!
I recently became a member, and I think this initiative might interest you too, because:
- It offers a concrete way to take action for the planet by investing in Brussels' energy transition.
- brupower is 100% owned by Brussels citizens like us, and mostly run by driven volunteers (not by multinational corporations).
- Through the sharing of renewable energy, brupower ensures access to clean energy for everyone at stable, fair prices.
What is brupower?
It's a young renewable energy cooperative, created by and for Brussels residents. It offers an alternative model where citizens and the planet are at the heart of the project 💪🌿. The goal? To take back control of energy and participate in the energy transition together.
How does it work?
In its first phase, brupower aims to install solar panels on Brussels rooftops (the first 800 will be up by the end of 2024). The installations and energy produced is co-owned by all members of the cooperative. It's then re-distributed, through a mechanism called "energy sharing" —a true innovation for Brussels!
In the long term, brupower also has plans to diversify its energy production with offshore wind turbines, to become a real energy provider.
To achieve all its ambitious missions, brupower needs our help now! What can you do?
1) If you have an available roof, send them your contact information. You will get cheaper electricity from local solar panels and together, we reduce our collective CO2 emissions!
2) Their second fundraising campaign ends in December 2024, and they still need €250,000. You can become a cooperator staring from 50 euros only.
Want to know more about it?
Head over to
See you soon!
Copy and paste into your email signature!
Bonjour, il y a quelque temps, j'ai investi dans une coopérative d'énergie renouvelable à Bruxelles qui s'appelle brupower.
brupower est en pleine levée de fonds et recherche encore 150 000 euros à lever. Si tu as des économies, je t'invite à les mettre au service de cette coopérative ! N'hésite pas à m'appeler pour en parler. brupower a déjà répondu à la plupart des questions que tu te poses peut-être déjà :
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de brupower ? La coopérative citoyenne d’énergie renouvelable à Bruxelles ?
Je suis moi-même coopérateur/trice et je pense que ça pourrait t’intéresser car
- en ce moment, notre choix de fournisseur d’électricité à Bruxelles est limité à deux grandes multinationales, qui nous posent question tant au niveau éthique qu’environnemental - brupower a pour objectif de combler ce besoin d’un fournisseur juste, 100% citoyen et 100% renouvelable!
- la fluctuation des prix de l’énergie nous montreque le partage d’énergie renouvelable entre citoyens, permettant des prix stables, est une vraie solution à implémenter plus largement sur la région
- il n’y a aucune coopérative citoyenne forte active à Bruxelles, mais ceci va changer grâce à brupower !
brupower c’est quoi ?
C’est une jeune coopérative citoyenne d'énergie renouvelable par et pour les bruxellois.e.s, offrant un modèle alternatif, où les et la planète sont mis au centre 💪🌿 L'objectif ? Se réapproprier l'énergie et participer à la transition énergétique tou.te.s ensemble.
Comment ?
- brupower veut dans un premier temps installer des panneaux solaires sur les toits de Bruxelles (les premiers 800 d’ici 2024)
- Ensuite, avec le surplus d’énergie, brupower aidera et accompagnera ses coopérateurs.trices pour partager cette énergie entre voisin.e.s de façon simple ! Une vraie innovation à Bruxelles. Tu veux mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent le partage et les communautés d’énergie ? Nous te conseillons cette vidéo !
- Sur le long terme, brupower pense même à se diversifier avec des éoliennes en mer !
Pour arriver à cela, brupower a besoin de toi maintenant ! La 1ère levée de fonds se termine le 15 novembre 2023 et il manque 150 000€ pour rassembler les fonds afin d’installer les 800 premiers panneaux solaires.
Convaincu.e ? Toi aussi tu veux rejoindre le mouvement ?
A bientôt,
Questions / need more communication material ?